04 August 2013

One Fine Saturday

Isn't it crazy how some friendships come about?  This is my maid of honor at my wedding.  Almost exactly three years before this day, I remember being at work and getting a phone call.  It was my new roommate.  She called to say that she knows she didn't know me that well and she thought living together would be good, but you see she heard I was dating this guy.  It wasn't that she didn't like the guy.  She just didn't want him over in our suite or our room...all. the. time. You see, we didn't really know each other, but we both knew the other girls we were going to be living with.  I guess you could see we were the odd ball room in our suite.  Would it work? Wouldn't it work?  Well, fast forward three years later and she's giving a speech at my wedding as the maid of honor.  Oh yeah, and that guy...now my hubs.  Even though Kels and I didn't know each other going into our sophomore year, and the first few days were really feeling each other out, trying to figure out whether or not this was going to work, we just clicked.  And not only did WE click...but she and the hubs are pretty close, too.  I guess you could say I'm one lucky lady.  E & I have moved out to Arizona twice now, and then back home...and this girl?  Came out to visit both times.

You see, she and I don't have to spend every second together or even see each other every week...and at this point every month!  But when we want to get together and we're living within an hour or two of each other...we somehow always end up here:
It's also one of those places where we always open the menu, stare at each other and ask what are we doing.  Because I know we can always count on soup, salad and bread sticks at lunch...and let's make it Chicken & Gnocchi.  I mean for the record and all.  So yesterday I got to see this lovey, at the Olive Garden and hubs was working and couldn't make it so it was just the three of us.  Now the first time my little B-man met Miss Kels?  Well, let me show you how that went....a little something like this...
He didn't last too long...he was a fuss butt...and a cranky pants?  This time, I'd say we had much better luck...

B-Man loves his Aunty Kels.  I can't believe it had been three months since we had seen her...but always so great to get together!  After lunch we headed to Kels's mom's house...right up the street...where B-man got his very own car...and measuring cups to play with.  

I mean...who needs toys when you can have a pile of measuring cups to bang around and toss?!

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