19 January 2014

Vegas Part 1

It's true that a picture's worth a thousand words. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from the start of our trip to speak for themselves. Why, you ask? That would be because our trip was cut short by a day because of the crazy snow storm the northeast was dealing with. We were scheduled to leave on January 2nd. I checked our flights the day before and I saw the dreaded C-word. "Cancelled" was the status of our first flight. We were supposed to be flying on United and that word alone put a sour taste in my mouth. I know, I know...it's not the airline's fault, it was the weather! It doesn't make me like it any more though. On the night of the second I sat on hold with United for an hour and 45 minutes. I'm pretty sure while lying in bed I fell asleep for about half an hour (luckily the hubby heard my snoring and listened to the phone for me!) but didn't even miss anything. I was finally able to talk to someone and after half an hour back and forth and checking all of their "partner airlines" first (and finding no availability) we were able to be moved to a Delta flight. There were five of us travelling together and somehow Delta had 5 seats available. The better news? I hadn't chosen that flight originally, it left later than our flight but got in earlier, but was much more expensive; I was pretty happy. So we're all in the car together (we left B back home with a family friend who runs a daycare) on our way to the airport. We get to the airport and flights are being cancelled left and right. Our flight hadn't been cancelled and slowly but surely our departure time came and went. The board was still showing an "on-time" departure...(false). Eventually we ended up getting on the plane. We all got our spirits up again, surely they wouldn't put us on a plane that wasn't going to depart at that point. We were all settled in and they started "de-icing" the plane. Now, they had done the first part of this while we were sitting in the gate area in the airport to ensure a relatively speedy push back and departure. They de-iced the plane, then they de-iced the larger plane next to us. The larger plane next to us pushed back. We were next in line. We pushed back. The larger plane departed. We didn't move. We sat and sat. At this point, we've been on the plane for about an hour and a half and the only progress we've made is to have pushed back from the gate. We'd been told three times that it would just be "15 more minutes." So when the pilot's voice came over the intercom, I immediately rolled my eyes and thought to myself let me guess? Another 15 minutes? But it was even better than that.

"Folks, it looks like they've done some tests and decided to close the runway. Please remain seated with your seat belts fastened as we make our [five foot] way back to the gate."

I mean, call me hopeless, I probably should have known after the first time they told us 15 minutes and it took half an hour. We got off the plane and their was some confusion between the gate agents. Well is it cancelled? No it's delayed. Operations just said it was cancelled.  Eric was on the phone trying to get the five of us onto new flights and I was in line (first at the gate desk) trying to get us new flights and a room voucher. Because it was weather-related we obviously didn't get a room voucher, but we did journey on over the Hampton Inn where we received the "Distressed passenger" rate for a room. Eric managed to get us onto flights for the next day.  Once we were checked in, we ordered Papa John's, had us some pizza, a drink from the bar and then headed to bed.

The next day, thing went relatively smoothly and, long story short, the five of us made it to Vegas! Our first night was a blur, I'm not even 100% sure what time we got in, but I know we checked in at Harrah's, got our room and headed downstairs for a little gambling. I don't think we were up for too long (and no, not because I was drinking, because it took forever to actually get there!).  I know that night we went to bed, and Eric woke up well before 6 the next morning. He had the itch. He couldn't go back to sleep so he headed downstairs to gamble. I got a little more shut eye, but that didn't last long either, I showered and went downstairs to join him! I don't think either of us slept past 7 on any day that we were there - we just wanted to seize the day! We grabbed some breakfast and we were off.  At 10:00 AM one of my favorite places opens their doors for business. That's right, some of you know what I'm talking about....
These giant strawberry daiquiris are amazing. So imagine how disappointed I was when I showed up and their strawberry daiquiri machine wasn't working! I settled for a Bellini and I wont' complain, it was quite delicious. Plus, we went back later on and got a strawberry daiquiri anyways. Trust me, two of these bad boys just about does you in. We were in Vegas about a year ago with my uncle, aunt and two cousins and I had two of these on an empty stomach (when I learned that breakfast truly isn't overrated).  That was one of the more embarrassing times in my life...getting sick in a gorgeous restaurant in the shops at the Forum was rough. So I learned my lesson (live and learn, right?!) and this time even though I had the same number of drinks, I had breakfast and paced myself.  We walked and gambled the day away and had a great time!

The end of the night was kind of a blur. After a long day and some alcohol, I remember Eric dancing to a little tune outside of the Carnival Court Bar (but I know we didn't go in). Either way, I (again unfortunately) don't have any pictures from my camera on that first day, and these are the only few that I had from my phone.  It was a great way to kick-off Vegas!  

Stay tuned for part 2!

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