18 December 2013

When you live in New England....

Your deck may look like this...
It's been a snowy few days here.  Our recent adventures have included half hour trips to get to the train station (should take 12 minutes) and the spedometer on our car reaching 50 mph in the snow when we were moving at about 0.5 mph in the snow up a hill.  What's that? Not exciting enough?  Well BMan has had his first official bout with pink eye.  And that has been a job!  B got his 12 month shots just about a week and a half ago.  Now, I think I've done relatively well not being a paranoid new mom and I haven't cried once when B's gotten any shots (I know, gold star, right?) so when the doctor said he needed three sets of vaccines and a flu shot, I felt bad for my little bug, but it wasn't the end of the world.  I knew he'd scream from the shots and figured he'd be fine soon.  The doctor said in about 10 days he'd probably run a fever and as long as it was low grade, there was nothing to worry about.  Well, about 6 or 7 days after the shots, the little guy had a low grade fever but seemed super uncomfortable.  About 10 days after his shots, his eyes were a little puffy, but I assumed it was just a side effect of one of the shots he had gotten.  I showed up to daycare...and our daycare provider's first words that morning were: "WOW, well somebody has pink eye!" I'm pretty sure I just stared.  His eyes weren't red, they weren't pink, sure they were a little puffy...but there was no way he had pink eye.  Luckily for me, there weren't any other kids coming to daycare so she was able to take B for a half day until I could get him to the doctor.  We got to the doctor, and on first glance, his doctor said he didn't think it was pink eye.  And then....he pulled down his eye lid.  And I have never seen the lower part of the eye that red and that puffy.  The poor little guy. Luckily his doctor was able to call in a prescription that I was able to pick up later that day. I can now say, two full days later, B's giggly and funny personality is finally back.  But the on-going application of antibiotic ointment into a toddler's eyes, well that has been fun. One thing I will give B credit for, he's turned into a great faker. This past week I think we've heard lots of screaming and shrieking, which at first was very concerning. It made me feel awful the first time we had to put ointment into his eyes...Eric had to pin him down and because he screamed so much he squeezed his eyes shut so this mamma had to pull down his little eye lids and get the goopy ointment into his eyes.  I was concerned. B's screams...my poor little BMan, I thought I might have hurt him. But let me tell you. As soon as I picked that little bug up, he was just fine. Happy as a clam.  So, I think it's fair to say we've mastered the art of fake screaming. And so has gone our pink eye adventure....

In other news, I love snow, but my poor hubby has done way more than his fair share of shoveling lately!  It snowed for hours over the weekend, and for hours yesterday...it seemed like it was never going to end...
And wouldn't you know it, 10 PM and the hubs is outside shoveling, making sure that we can easily get out of the driveway in the morning.
I know I've talked before about how much we love the holidays around here.  but, for one reason or another we've been struggling this year!  We just got our tree this past weekend (yep, a week and a half before Christmas...) and our tree isn't even fully decorated yet!  It's up and standing, we've got a few ornaments on it as well as the lights. We went to put the rest of the ornaments on the tree last night, but we couldn't even find the ornament hooks!  We found them today, but B had such a rough night last night that it's 9 o'clock, we're both lying in bed and getting ready to go to sleep.  I guess tomorrow (6 days before Christmas) we'll finally finish decorating our tree. For now, at least our tree doesn't look like this anymore...
 It looks like this...

Just a few little ornaments...but none of our bulbs are up.  Here's to decorating tomorrow...!

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