21 December 2013

We met Santa today

Today was one of those days where we did way too much shopping.  But let's be real, the mall had some pretty amazing deals.  B woke up at 5 this morning...had a bottle and slept until 8.  I mean, that's pretty awesome, especially considering it was the only time he woke up last night.  Unfortunately, at some point between 5 and 8 BMan must have gotten sick (as in coughed to point that he threw up) and Eric and I slept through it [parents of the year] BUT so did BMan.  Wasn't quite a happy camper when he woke up with dried...regurgitated....milk. If that's not yummy....moving on. BMan got a bath this morning and once everyone was ready, we headed out the door a little after 9, not bad if I do say so myself.  We ended up shopping until almost 2 PM! That is a long time for a little bug to go without taking a nap. I was so impressed though, he only had one meltdown and it was at the very end of our trip!  Before we got to the end of our trip, we searched for Santa....which took hours. The mall we were at was huge and it seemed like Santa was hidden in a far away corner...but don't be fooled...it took hours because of the multiple pit stops we made along the way. And multiple purchases.  Oops! Once we finally found Santa, it was quite the site!

 We touched lights and trees, played with a little girl and explored the area line.

And finally, it was our turn to see Santa. Now, when we took B to see the Easter bunny in the spring, he was fine. He just kind of stared. Really, he was too little to know what was going on. I figured that for sure this time he would have a full on melt down.  Much to my surprise, our little bug did just fine! He looked a little confused at first, but he actually cracked a little grin for us!
Look at that little leg just hanging out. He wasn't even squirming, just making himself right at home! And for that, BMan, we thank you!  

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