02 October 2013

In Case You Need A Smile....

It's not secret that I love weddings.  This past weekend we made a treck up to Canada very northern Vermont for Sarah's wedding.  I've known Sarah since middle school.  I moved around quite a bit as a kid, but Sarah and I have always stayed in touch.  Sometimes we go a couple months without talking, but any time we see each other, it's like we didn't miss a beat.  Sarah is...well really the only person I've routinely kept in touch with after moving around so much.  Sarah and her now hubby met at school, live apart from each other (for now) and had a beautiful wedding this past weekend.  Eric and B-Man came up, too.  That was definitely interesting....luckily B travels relatively well (and slept the entire way home) but boy is it tough to bring an infant who just wants to walk to a wedding!  We hadn't seen Sarah since we got married (over three years!) so I wanted B to come because otherwise it could have been another couple of years before Sarah got to meet him!  Unfortunately, that meant leaving the wedding at about 7PM!  I'm pretty sure Sarah was shocked we were leaving so early (sorry!) but I'm sure the guests at our table were pretty happy that we scooped B out and took off...it was definitely a long day for him!  Anyways, one other thing that I just have to say...I was a little nervous about the wedding.  I know Sarah (obviously) but I didn't really know any of the bridesmaids.  One (another Sarah!) was another one of my best friends from middle school, but we hadn't kept in touch with one another.  Another was Sarah's friend from college who I had never met.  Two of the other girls go to grad school with her in Colorado now and one was the groom's sister. ....ah!  I mean I figured that everyone would be nice (Sarah is awesome, so why wouldn't her friends be?!).  But it was great. I know I didn't get to spend as much time with everyone because we were only up there for a little while and the little man makes it a little tougher, but it was so fun spending time with everyone and I'm so glad I got to meet such a great group of girls!

Now, I was going through my pictures (after the fact) and realized that I don't even really have very many good pictures. I was trying to snap quickly because there was so much going on so I never set the exposure (oops!).  First I'll give you a little tour of the venue...

 The venue was just gorgeous! We also had a great time getting ready.  Mary did Sarah's hair and I'm in awe.  I've always been jealous of anyone who can French braid hair...but what Mary was able to do with Sarah's hair was just gorgeous.

 Steaming the first layer of the bride's dress does require getting under the top layer!

 We all wore different dresses of our choosing in the same general color...it went so well with the entire theme of the wedding!
 We had a room in the bed and breakfast to get ready in...what a cute picture! 
 I loved the back to Sarah S's dress! 
(Did I mention that there were THREE Sarah's there including the bride? Because there were!)

Oh hey, sexy mama!

And finally, my last picture of the night!  The happy newlyweds!

Congratulations, you two!  We wish you a lifetime of love and happiness...enjoy your new lives together!

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