30 July 2013

My baby's turned into a monster....

I am...beat. Wiped. Pooped. Exhausted.  That's right, friends.  We're teething.

Even though that face gets me every time...it's tough to remember in the middle of the night.  We've been spoiled.  It's true.  B-man has slept through the night since he was about two months old.  We have a bed time routine (and I swear by Johnson & Johnson's night time bath....without it he just doesn't sleep the same).  B-man gets dinner, has bath time, dry off, lotion time, get wrapped up in a swaddle blanket (not a true swaddle anymore), have a bottle and then he passes out.  Before? He would sleep 9-11 hours...no interruptions.  He was a great sleeping.  Now? Well, now we're teething.  That means that last night, when he only got up once, and for only 45 minutes in the middle of the night...it was a good night.  The worst night?  A few nights ago when he was up 5 times, at one point for almost an hour and a half.  E and I both work and have long commutes...so there is really no winning.  Poor little bug can't fit enough things in his mouth and there's nothing that really seems to work for him.  He wants to be held, but he's uncomfortable when you hold him.  So he wants to get down and crawl, but needs your comfort...but when you hold him...well, you get it.  Any moms out there have any advice?  B-man cut his first two teeth when he was six months and really without any fussing at all.  I couldn't understand why anyone would possibly say that teething was tough.  Now I know....now....I know.  At least we've still managed to get some good ole pics over this past weekend....

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